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This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

Cover of Dyspepsia


Managing Dyspepsia in Adults in Primary Care

NICE Clinical Guidelines, No. 17


Newcastle upon Tyne (UK): University of Newcastle upon Tyne; .
ISBN-10: 0-9540161-7-3


This national guideline provides evidence-based recommendations for the primary care management of dyspepsia symptoms and underlying causes in adults. It was developed for use by the National Health Service in England and Wales. NHS healthcare professionals, patient representatives and researchers developed this guideline, incorporating comments received from referees and from an extensive national stakeholder consultation.

The guideline defines dyspepsia broadly and inclusively, reflecting its presentation and management in the primary care setting. Thus, dyspepsia refers to a spectrum of usually intermittent upper gastrointestinal symptoms, including epigastric pain and heartburn. Annually, 40% of the adult population may suffer from dyspepsia, although only about 2% consult their GP. Currently, prescribed drugs and endoscopies alone annually cost the NHS about £600 million; over-the-counter medication cost patients a further £100 million. The evidence review differentiates between uninvestigated dyspepsia and three main categories arising from investigation: gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, peptic ulcer disease and non-ulcer dyspepsia. Further sub-categories are discussed as the evidence allows.


Crown Copyright © 2004.
Bookshelf ID: NBK53748PMID: 21678625


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