Programming Languages BooksHaskell Books

Real World Haskell


Real World Haskell

Real World Haskell

This page covers the following topics related to Haskell : Why functional programming, Why Haskell, Getting started, Types and functions, Defining types, streamlining functions, Functional programming, Writing a library: working with JSON data, Using typeclasses, Input and output, Efficient file processing, regular expressions, and file name matching, I/O case study: a library for searching the filesystem, Code case study: parsing a binary data format, Testing and quality assurance, Barcode recognition, Data structures, Monads, Programming with monads, The Parsec parsing library, The foreign function interface, Monad transformers, Error handling, Systems programming, Working with databases, Web client programming, GUI programming, Basic concurrent and parallel programming, Profiling and tuning for performance, Advanced library design: building a Bloom filter, Network programming, Software transactional memory, Installing GHC and Haskell libraries, Characters, strings, and escaping rules, Web site and comment system usage and policies.


sNA Pages
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