Programming Languages BooksHaskell Books

Haskell Programming by Christopher Allen


Haskell Programming by Christopher Allen

Haskell Programming by Christopher Allen

The PDF covers the following topics related to Haskell Programming : All You Need is Lambda, Hello, Haskell!, Strings, Basic datatypes, Types, Typeclasses, More functional patterns, Recursion, Lists, Folding lists, Algebraic datatypes, Signaling adversity, Testing, Monoid, Semigroup, Functor, Applicative, Monad, Applying structure, Foldable, Traversable, Reader, State, Parser combinators, Composing types, Monad transformers, Non-strictness, Basic libraries, IO.


s1076 Pages
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Haskell Programming by Christopher Allen

Haskell Programming by Christopher Allen

The PDF covers the following topics related to Haskell Programming : All You Need is Lambda, Hello, Haskell!, Strings, Basic datatypes, Types, Typeclasses, More functional patterns, Recursion, Lists, Folding lists, Algebraic datatypes, Signaling adversity, Testing, Monoid, Semigroup, Functor, Applicative, Monad, Applying structure, Foldable, Traversable, Reader, State, Parser combinators, Composing types, Monad transformers, Non-strictness, Basic libraries, IO.

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