Computer Science BooksOperating Systems Books

Introduction to Operating systems Lecture online notes

Introduction to Operating systems Lecture online notes

Introduction to Operating systems Lecture online notes

This online PDF lecture notes contains following topics: Definition and Function of operating systems, Evolution of operating system, Operating system structure-monolithic layered,virtual machine and Client server, Different types of operating system-real time systems, multi-user System, distributed system, Introduction to basic terms and batch processing system: Jobs, Processes files, command interpreter, Logical and Physical address protection, paging, and segmentation, Virtual memory, Page replacement algorithms, Catch memory, hierarchy of memory types, Associative memory, Process states, virtual processor, Interrupt mechanism, Scheduling algorithms Performance evaluation of scheduling algorithm, Threads,File systems-Partitions and Directory structure, Disk space allocation, Disk scheduling, I/O Hardware, I/O Drivers, DMA controlled I/O and programmed I/O, I/O Supervisors, Introduction and need for distributed OS, Architecture of Distributed OS, Models of distributed system, Remote procedure Calls, Distributed shared memory, Unix Operating System- Case Studies


s194 Pages
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