Computer Science BooksConcurrent Programming Books

Concurrent Programming Class Notes (PDF 110P)

Concurrent Programming Class Notes (PDF 110P)

Concurrent Programming Class Notes (PDF 110P)

These class notes give a course outline that is conducted in-depth on concurrent programming. They include the basic concepts of parallel programming, multi-processing, and multi-threading. Threads' definitions and properties are presented, such as lifecycle processes and the structure of concurrent hardware architecture. The basic algorithms form the foundation, including Kessel's and ticket algorithms, with semantic and the bakery algorithm as the key synchronization tools. Another topic that the material will be discussing about concurrency issues is deadlock and speculative multithreading. This book is a resource on getting an easy-to-access introduction to concurrent programming principles; it is excellent for student and professional readers who want to learn about how to effectively manage concurrent processes in software applications.


s110 Pages
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