Java BooksJava J2ee Books

EJB Design Patterns (F. Marinescu)

EJB Design Patterns (F. Marinescu)

EJB Design Patterns (F. Marinescu)

The book, EJB Design Patterns, goes beyond high-level design pattern descriptions into critical EJB-specific implementation issues, illustrated with source code implementations. The book contains a catalog of twenty advanced EJB patterns and provides strategies for mapping application requirements to patterns-driven design, J2EE development best practices, and a collection of EJB tips and strategies, and other topics such as Build-System best practices using Ant, JUnit testing strategies, using Java Data Objects (JDO) as an alternative to entity beans, and more.


sNA Pages
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The J2EE 1.4 Tutorial

Currently this section contains no detailed description for the page, will update this page soon.

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