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Microsoft Programming Books

Microsoft Programming Books

There are many downloadable free Microsoft Programming books, available in our collection of books. Which are available in the form of PDF, Online Textbooks, eBooks and lecture notes. These books cover basics, beginner, and advanced concepts and also those who looking for introduction to the same.

Learning Win32 API

WinAPI is an application programming interface written in C by Microsoft to allow access to Windows features. This PDF covers the following topics related to Win32 Windows API : Getting started with Win32 API, Ansi- and Wide-character functions, Dealing with windows, Error reporting and handling, File Management, Process and Thread Management, Utilizing MSDN Documentation, Window messages, Windows Services, Windows Subclassing.


s 37Pages

Introduction to Visual Studio and Csharp

This PDF covers the following topics related to Visual Studio and CSharp : Introduction, Visual Studio, Windows Programming, Getting Started with C


s 49Pages

Delphi Tutorial Mirror

We are working on the detailed description of this book, we will update this section soon.


s Pages

The Complete Idiots Guide to Writing Shell Extensions (Michael Dunn)

We are working on the detailed description of this book, we will update this section soon.


s Pages

Introducing Visual Basic 2005 for Developers

We are working on the detailed description of this book, we will update this section soon.


s Pages

Upgrading Visual Basic 6.0 to Visual Basic .NET

We are working on the detailed description of this book, we will update this section soon.


s Pages

The Microsofts IL Disassembler

We are working on the detailed description of this book, we will update this section soon.


s Pages