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Haskell Books


Haskell Books

There are many downloadable free Haskell books, available in our collection of books. Which are available in the form of PDF, Online Textbooks, eBooks and lecture notes. These books cover basics, beginner, and advanced concepts and also those who looking for introduction to the same.

Notes on Functional Programming with Haskell

This note covers the following topics: Functions and their definitions, First look at Haskell, Using the interpreter, Haskell basics, Higher order functions, More list notation, More on data types, Input or output, Problem solving, Haskell laws, Program synthesis, Models of reduction, Divide and conquer algorithms and infinite data structures.


s 192Pages

Haskell Libraries

This note explains The concurrent package, The data package, The lang package, The net package, The num  package, The posix package, The text package, The util package, and the Win32 package.


s 49Pages

Basics of Haskell

This note describes the basics of Haskell including installation and variables and gradually progressing to more advanced concepts such as monads, type classes, performance, and specialized tasks like graphical user interfaces and working with databases. The document also includes information on libraries, testing, packaging, and the Foreign Function Interface.


s 683Pages

Introduction to Programming in Haskell

This book covers topics on basic types, compilers vs. interpreters, functions, pattern matching, list manipulation, polymorphism, sorting algorithms, user-defined datatypes, abstract datatypes, tree traversals, input or output, and memoization, introduction to programming concepts, algorithms, and data structures. They also touch on arrays, priority queues, heaps, and dynamic programming.


s 128Pages

Real World Haskell

This page covers the following topics related to Haskell : Why functional programming, Why Haskell, Getting started, Types and functions, Defining types, streamlining functions, Functional programming, Writing a library: working with JSON data, Using typeclasses, Input and output, Efficient file processing, regular expressions, and file name matching, I/O case study: a library for searching the filesystem, Code case study: parsing a binary data format, Testing and quality assurance, Barcode recognition, Data structures, Monads, Programming with monads, The Parsec parsing library, The foreign function interface, Monad transformers, Error handling, Systems programming, Working with databases, Web client programming, GUI programming, Basic concurrent and parallel programming, Profiling and tuning for performance, Advanced library design: building a Bloom filter, Network programming, Software transactional memory, Installing GHC and Haskell libraries, Characters, strings, and escaping rules, Web site and comment system usage and policies.


s NAPages

Yesod Web Framework

This page covers the following topics related to Haskell : Basics, Introduction, Haskell, Basics, Shakespearean Templates, Widgets, Yesod, Typeclass, Routing and Handlers, Forms, Sessions, Persistent, Deploying your Webapp, Advanced, RESTful Content, Yesod’s Monads, Authentication and Authorization, Scaffolding and the Site Template, Internationalizatio, Creating a Subsite, Understanding a Request, SQL Joins, Yesod for Haskellers, Examples, Initializing data in the foundation datatype, Blog: i18n, authentication, authorization, and database, Wiki: markdown, chat subsite, event source, JSON Web Service, Case Study: Sphinx-based Search, Visitor counter, Single process pub-sub, Environment variables for configuration, Route attributes, Appendices, monad-control, Web Application Interface, Settings Types, http-conduit, xml-conduit.


s NAPages

Haskell Programming by Christopher Allen

The PDF covers the following topics related to Haskell Programming : All You Need is Lambda, Hello, Haskell!, Strings, Basic datatypes, Types, Typeclasses, More functional patterns, Recursion, Lists, Folding lists, Algebraic datatypes, Signaling adversity, Testing, Monoid, Semigroup, Functor, Applicative, Monad, Applying structure, Foldable, Traversable, Reader, State, Parser combinators, Composing types, Monad transformers, Non-strictness, Basic libraries, IO.


s 1076Pages

A Gentle Introduction to Haskell 98 Yale

The PDF covers the following topics related to Haskell Programming : Introduction, Values, Types, and Other Goodies, Functions, Case Expressions and Pattern Matching, Type Classes and Overloading, Types, Again, Input/Output, Standard Haskell Classes, About Monads, Numbers, Modules, Arrays.


s 64Pages