The Mushroom, Edible and Otherwise by Miron Elisha Hard
The Mushroom, Edible and Otherwise by Miron Elisha Hard
The Mushroom, Edible and Otherwise by Miron Elisha Hard
This guide explains the study of mushrooms, with special reference to the
edible and poisonous varieties, with a view of opening up to the student of
nature a wide field of useful and interesting knowledge. Major topics covered
includes: The WhiteSpored Agarics, RosySpored Agarics, PurpleBrownSpored Agaries,
BlackSpored Agarics, Polyporaceae TubeBearing Fungi, Fungi With Teeth,
NidulariaceaeBirds Nest Fungi, Thelephoraceae, Ascomycetes SporeSac Fungi, Group
Gastromycetes, LycoperdaceaeTuffBalls, Myxomycetes, Clavariaceae Coral Fungi
This guide explains the study of mushrooms, with special reference to the
edible and poisonous varieties, with a view of opening up to the student of
nature a wide field of useful and interesting knowledge. Major topics covered
includes: The WhiteSpored Agarics, RosySpored Agarics, PurpleBrownSpored Agaries,
BlackSpored Agarics, Polyporaceae TubeBearing Fungi, Fungi With Teeth,
NidulariaceaeBirds Nest Fungi, Thelephoraceae, Ascomycetes SporeSac Fungi, Group
Gastromycetes, LycoperdaceaeTuffBalls, Myxomycetes, Clavariaceae Coral Fungi
The main
purpose of the book, as its title implies, is to serve as a primer. The contents
are divided into two parts. The first deals with the clinical, theoretical and
experimental aspects of the subject, the second outlines the laboratory
procedures useful in examining a patient suspected of having one of the various