Electrical Engineering Books Field Theory Books

QFT Lectures Notes by Jared Kaplan

QFT Lectures Notes by Jared Kaplan

QFT Lectures Notes by Jared Kaplan

The contents of this lecture notes are : Useful References and Texts, Philosophy, Review of Lagrangians and Harmonic Oscillators, Balls and Springs, Free Scalar Quantum Field Theory with Special Relativity, Interactions in Classical Field Theory with a View Towards QFT, Overview of Scattering and Perturbation Theory, Old Fashioned Perturbation Theory, Feynman Rules as a Generalization of Classical Physics, The Hamiltonian Formalism for Perturbation Theory, Feynman Rules from the Hamiltonian Formalism, Particles with Spin, Covariant Derivatives and Scalar QED, Scattering and Ward Identities in Scalar QED, Spinors and QED, Quantization and Feynman Rules for QED, Casimir Effect, The Exact pt Correlator Kallen-Lehmann Representation, Large Logarithms and Renormalization Flows, QM Example of Wilsonian Renormalization, Wilsonian Renormalization Flows, Path Integrals, Path Integrals and Statistical Physics, Discrete Symmetries and Spinors, More on Spin and Statistics, QED Vacuum Polarization and Anomalous Magnetic Moment, Renormalization and QED, IR Divergences and Long Wavelength Physics, Implications of Unitarity, Interlude on Lie Groups and Lie Algebras, Overview of Lie Algebra Classi cation and Representations, Spontaneously Broken Global Symmetries and Goldstone Bosons, Renormalization in YM and Asymptotic Freedom, Higgs Mechanism, Parton Model and Deep Inelastic Scattering, Anomalies as Almost Local E ects, A Lecture on Cosmological Perturbation Theory.


s260 Pages
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