This page covers the
following topics related to C Programming :Hello, World!, Variables and
Statements, Functions, Pointers—Cower In Fear!, Arrays, Strings, Structs, File
Input/Output, Pointers II: Arithmetic, Manual Memory Allocation, Scope, Way More
Types!, Conversions, Qualifiers and Specifiers, Multifile Projects, The Outside
Environment, The C Preprocessor, structs, Characters and Strings, Enumerated
Types: enum, Pointers, Bitwise Operations, Variadic Functions, Locale and
Internationalization, Unicode, Wide Characters, and All That, Exiting a Program,
Signal Handling, Variable-Length Arrays (VLAs), goto, Compound Literals and
Generic Selections, Arrays, Long Jumps with setjmp, longjmp, Incomplete Types,
Complex Numbers, Fixed Width Integer Types, Date and Time Functionality,
Multithreading, Atomics, Function Specifiers, Alignment, Specifiers/Operators.
This note
assumes a basic understanding of the principles of programming. Topics
covered includes: Writing, compiling, and debugging C programs, Hello
world,Variables and datatypes, operators, Control flow, Functions and
modular programming, User-defined datatypes, structs, unions, bitfields,
Memory allocation. Linked lists, binary trees, Pointers to pointers, oid and
function pointers, Hash tables.
This page covers the
following topics related to C Programming :Hello, World!, Variables and
Statements, Functions, Pointers—Cower In Fear!, Arrays, Strings, Structs, File
Input/Output, Pointers II: Arithmetic, Manual Memory Allocation, Scope, Way More
Types!, Conversions, Qualifiers and Specifiers, Multifile Projects, The Outside
Environment, The C Preprocessor, structs, Characters and Strings, Enumerated
Types: enum, Pointers, Bitwise Operations, Variadic Functions, Locale and
Internationalization, Unicode, Wide Characters, and All That, Exiting a Program,
Signal Handling, Variable-Length Arrays (VLAs), goto, Compound Literals and
Generic Selections, Arrays, Long Jumps with setjmp, longjmp, Incomplete Types,
Complex Numbers, Fixed Width Integer Types, Date and Time Functionality,
Multithreading, Atomics, Function Specifiers, Alignment, Specifiers/Operators.
This page covers the following topics
related to C Programming : Introduction, Installation, Basics, An Interactive
Prompt, Languages, Parsing, Evaluation, Error Handling, S-Expressions,
Q-Expressions, Variables, Functions, Conditionals, Strings, Standard Library,
Bonus Projects.
The C programming language is a structure-oriented programming language,
developed at Bell Laboratories in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie. The contents in this lecture note
include : A Beginner’s Guide Introduction to Programming, Introduction to C, structure of C programming,
Elements of C, Variables, Statements, Expressions, Input-Output in C, Formatted
Input-Output, Operators, Control Statements, Iterative statements, Jump statements, Function, Actual
arguments and Formal arguments, Recursion, Recursion verses Iteration, Storage classes, Arrays,
Two Dimensional Arrays, Array using Functions, Strings, Common Functions in String, Structure in C
Union, Nested Structure, Union, Pointers, Pointers and Arrays, Pointer Arithmetic, Pointers and
Function, Dynamic Memory Allocation, Pointer to Structure, File, Algorithm and Data Structure,
Analysis of Algorithms, Storage structure of Arrays, Sparse Matrices, Stack, Queue.
Author(s): Prof. Dr. Amiya Kumar
Rath, Asst. Prof Sumitra Kisan, Asst. Prof Gargi Bhattacharjee
C is a programming language developed at AT and Ts Bell Laboratories of USA
in 1972. It was designed and written by Dennis Ritche. Dennis Ritchie is known as the
founder of C language. It was developed to overcome the problems of previous languages such as B, BCPL
etc. The contents include: Computer systems, Computer Languages, Creating and Running
Programs, Algorithm, What is C, Tokens, Data Types, Variables, Type Conversions, Statements, Arrays,
Strings, Functions, Structures, Unions, Enumerations and Typedef, File.
Author(s): Department of
Information Technology, Vardhaman College of Engineering
The C Programming Language is also called the Mother of
languages. The C language was developed by Dennis Ritchie between 1969 and 1973 and is a second and third generation
of languages. The C language provides both low- and high-level features it provides both the
power of low-level languages and the flexibility and simplicity of high-level languages. This
lecture notes includes: Introduction to Computers, Control Structures, Arrays and Strings, Functions
and Pointers, Structures and Unions, Files.
Author(s): Ms. P. Ila
Chandana Kumari, Associate Professor, IIT, Institute of Aeronautical