This note covers the following
topics: Special Forms, Equivalence Predicates, Numbers, Characters, Strings,
Lists, Vectors, Bit Strings, Miscellaneous Datatypes, Associations, Procedures,
Environments, Input or Output, Operating-System Interface, Error System and
Graphics .
This book is intended to provide an introduction to the Scheme
language but not an introduction to programming in general. The reader is
expected to have had some experience programming and to be familiar with terms
commonly associated with computers and programming languages. Topics covered
includes: Variable Binding, Control Operations, Operations on Objects, Input and
Output, Syntactic Extension, Extended Examples and Extended Examples.
This book is primarily intended as
the text for a first undergraduate course in computer science. It
introduce several abstract ideas in as concrete a way as possible. This book is
divided into three parts, dealing with procedural abstractions, data
abstractions, and abstractions of state.
Author(s): Max
Hailperin, Barbara Kaiser, and Karl Knight