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Economics Books

Economics Books

There are many downloadable free Economics books, available in our collection of books. Which are available in the form of PDF, Online Textbooks, eBooks and lecture notes. These books cover basics, beginner, and advanced concepts and also those who looking for introduction to the same.

Fundamentals of Economics

This note covers nature and scope of economics, Consumption, Demand, Production, Supply, Exchange and distribution and macroeconomics.


s 113Pages

Principles Of Economics Study Material

The objective of this book to familiarize the students with the basic concepts of economics such as Demand, Supply, Goods, Utility and enable the students to understand basic theories, Principles and laws relating to Consumption, Production and Distribution.


s 165Pages

Principles Of Microeconomics MIT

The given link provides access to lecture notes for the course Principles of Microeconomics offered by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the fall of 2018. The lecture notes cover a wide range of topics in microeconomics, including supply and demand, consumer behavior, and market equilibrium. The notes are authored by Professor Jonathan Gruber and are designed to supplement his lectures. The notes include graphs, equations, and real-world examples to illustrate key concepts. They are a useful resource for students studying microeconomics or for anyone interested in understanding how markets work.


s NAPages

Notes on Managerial Economics IARE

Managerial economics, as the name itself implies, is an offshoot of two distinct disciplines: Economics and Management. In other words, it is necessary to understand what these disciplines are, at least in brief, to understand the nature and scope of managerial economics.This PDF covers the following topics related to Managerial Economics : Introduction to Managerial Economics, Theory of Demand, Production Analysis, Cost Theory and Estimation, Market Structure and Pricing Practices.


s 104Pages

Macroeconomic Theory Class Notes

This note covers the following topics: Solow growth model, Ramsey growth model, Diamond overlapping-generations model Endogenous growth and human capital models, Empirical growth analyses, Business cycles and RBC models, Traditional business-cycle models, New Keynesian IS-LM, Phillips curve, Lucas imperfect-information model, Imperfect competition and sticky prices, Dynamic pricing models, Unemployment models and Investment theory.


s NAPages

Principles of Agricultural Economics

This note explains the following topics: Divisions of Economics, Importance of Economics, Agricultural Economics Meaning, Definition , Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility meaning, Definition, Assumption, Limitation, Importance, Indifference curve approach, Consumer’s Surplus, National Income, Public Revenue, Public Revenue, Public Expenditure, Inflation, meaning definition, kind of inflation.


s 98Pages

The Principles of Economics With Applications to Practical Problems

This note describes the following topics: Economic Motives, Wealth And Welfare, The Nature Of Demand, Exchange In A Market, Psychic Income, The Law Of Diminishing Returns, The Theory Of Rent, Repair, Depreciation, And Destruction Of Wealth, Capitalization And Time-value, The Money Economy And The Concept Of Capital, Interest On Money Loans, The Value Of Human Services.


s NAPages