
Business and Finance eBooks

Business and Finance eBooks

This section contains free e-books and guides on Business and Finance, some of the resources in this section can be viewed online and some of them can be downloaded.

Recently Added Books

Fundamentals of Accounting

This note explains fundamentals of financial accounting, Accounting basics, Accounting for special transactions, Preparation of final accounts, Fundamentals of cost accounting and fundamentals of cost accounting.

s257 Pages

Financial Accounting by SB and JJ

This note covers the following topics: Concept for determination of business income, Introduction to accounting standards, Final Accounts of trading concern, Financial Statement from incomplete records and of NPO, Accounting for special sales transaction.

s131 Pages

Fundamentals of Banking

This note covers Meaning and origin of the word Bank, Evolution of banking in India, Types of banks, Banking system and structure in India, Meaning and functions of commercial banks, Credit creation, Unit banking Vs Branch banking, Central banking, Functions of central bank, Quantitative credit controls and qualitative credit controls, History of reserve bank of India, Unit banking, Branch banking, Investment banking, Innovation in banking, Indigenous banking, Meaning and definition of banker and customer, Types of customers, General and special relationship between banker and customer, KYC Norms, Concepts, Duties & Responsibilities of Collecting Banker, Holder for Value and holder in due course, Statutory protection to collecting banker, Responsibilities of paying banker and payment gateways.

s117 Pages

Lecture Note on Money and Banking

This Lecture note covers the following topics: money introduction, Function of money, Classification of money, Principles and methods of note issue, Value of money, Meaning and Theories of value of money, Economic fluctuations and their impact on economic growth structure, Monetary standards and present currency system of India, Bank meaning and functions, Money Market, Central banking, Banker customer relationship, Negotiable instruments, Bankers clearing house, Banking regulation act,1949 and RBI act 1934.

s318 Pages