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Unix Administration Books

Unix Administration Books

There are many downloadable free Unix Administration books, available in our collection of books. Which are available in the form of PDF, Online Textbooks, eBooks and lecture notes. These books cover basics, beginner, and advanced concepts and also those who looking for introduction to the same.

UNIX Administration Course

This PDF covers the following topics related to UNIX Administration : UNIX Fundamentals: Files and the File System, A Note on the ’man’ Command, Network File System (NFS), The Pipe, UNIX Fundamentals: The Shell Command Interface.


s 21Pages

System and Network Administration

Covered topics:The Unix Filestore, Unix File Processing, Searching and Regular Expressions, Introduction to System Administration, Managing Users, Microsoft Active Directory, Starting UNIX and The UNIX Kernel, TCP/IP Networking.


s NAPages

Unix System Administration A Survival Course

We are working on the detailed description of this book, we will update this section soon.


s Pages

UNIX Like Filesystem Hierarchy Standard

We are working on the detailed description of this book, we will update this section soon.


s Pages

UNIX Like Filesystem Hierarchy Standard Mirror

We are working on the detailed description of this book, we will update this section soon.


s Pages