Biology BooksBioInformatics Books

Bioinformatics by Nakaya Helder

Bioinformatics by Nakaya Helder

Bioinformatics by Nakaya Helder

This page covers the following topics related to Bioinformatics : Text Mining Gene Selection to Understand Pathological Phenotype Using Biological Big Data, Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Procedures and Data Analysis, Computational Methods for Detecting Large-Scale Structural Rearrangements in Chromosomes, Machine Learning Approaches for Biomarker Discovery Using Gene Expression Data, Bayesian Inference of Gene Expression, Comprehensive Evaluation of Error-Correction Methodologies for Genome Sequencing Data, Plant Transcriptome Assembly: Review and Benchmarking,WeMine Aligned Pattern Clustering System for Biosequence Pattern Analysis, Rational Design of Profile Hidden Markov Models for Viral Classification and Discovery, Pattern Discovery and Disentanglement for Aligned Pattern Cluster Analysis and Protein Binding Complexes Detection.


sNA Pages
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