Plant Pathology is a branch of agricultural science that
deals with the study of fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes, and other microbes
that cause diseases of plants.The contents in this notes are as follows :
Importance of Plant Disease, Scope and Objective of Plant Pathology, History of
Plant Pathology with special reference to Indian work, Concepts and terms in
Plant Pathology, Important Plant Pathogenic Organisms, Pathogenesis, Factors
Affecting Disease Development, Disease Triangle and Tetrahedron, Classification
of Plant Diseases, Abiotic Diseases and their management, General Characters of
fungi, Bacteria and mollicutes, Phytoplasma ,Spiroplasma ,Nematode,Viroids and
Algae, Virus, Phanerogamic plant parasites, Classification, Morphology and
Symptoms caused by Plant parasitic nematodes, Dispersal and survival of the
Plant pathogens, Pathogenesis-role of enzyme, toxin, growth regulators in
disease development, Defense mechanism in plant, Epidemiology: Factor affecting
disease development, Fungicides nature, chemical combinations and
formulationsFungicides Classification and Their Mode of Action, Antibiotics.
Author(s): Department of Plant Pathology, JNKVV College of
Agriculture, Tikamgarh
This book is specially written for
researchers at various levels, for example, in forestry, agriculture, industry,
university and college laboratories. It describes the fungal pathogenicity,
resistance behavior of fungal biofilms and its mechanisms, different categories
of fungal infection and colonization patterns with example relevant to soybean,
characteristics of white rob of corncob and head smut of maize such as cycle,
pathogenicity factors, control methods, the abilities of chitosan and its
derivatives to elicit resistance reactions in plants and its action in the
production and viability of fungal spores, and the mode of actions of single
constituents of different essential oils depending on different case studies.
Plant pathology is an applied science that deals with the
nature, causes and control of plant diseases in agriculture and forestry. The
vital role of plant pathology in attaining food security and food safety for the
world cannot be overemphasized.
The purpose of this book is to treat
the subject of disease in plants with special reference to the patient itself,
and to describe the symptoms it exhibits and the course of the malady, with only
such references to the agents which induce or cause disease as are necessary to an intelligent understanding of the subject,
and of the kind of treatment called for.
This book covers
the following topics in plant pathology: Necrotic diseases caused by bacteria
and fungi, hypoplastic diseases caused by fungi and phanerogams, metaplastic
diseases caused by slime-molds, bacteria, fungi and phanerogams.