This book contains
following contents, Introduction to Communication Studies, Communication
and Perception, Verbal Communication, Nonverbal Communication, Listening,
Interpersonal Communication Processes, Communication in Relationships, Culture
and Communication, Preparing a Speech, Delivering a Speech, Informative and
Persuasive Speaking, Public Speaking in Various Contexts, Small Group
Communication, Leadership, Roles, and Problem Solving in Groups, Media,
Technology, and Communication, New Media and Communication
This book covers the following topics: An
overview of communication, Processes of Communication, Principles of Effective
Communication, Types and Models of Business Communication, International and
inter cultural business communication and Media of Communication.
Author(s): Ambo University, Woliso Campus School of Business and Economics
This PDF book covers the following topics
related to Business Communication : English Grammar And Its Usage, Enriching
Vocabulary, Comprehension of Passage and Art of Summarising, Concept of Business
Communication, Listening Skills, Business Correspondence, Concept of
E-Correspondence, Common Business Terminologies.
PDF book covers the following topics related to Business Communication : Concept
of Communication, Channels and Objectives of Communication, Methods & Modes of
Communication, Barriers to communication, Listening.
Author(s): R.A.Podar College of Commerce and Economics
This writing style guide covers the fundamentals of English usage and
writing. It includes sections on grammar and mechanics, editing, formatting,
academic citation and research documentation, including the latest MLA and APA
style guidelines. A useful supplement to any academic writing course.
This course allows students to develop effective written and verbal
communication strategies specifically for the workplace. From idea gathering to
drafting to delivery, this course will prepare students to effectively write,
present, and communicate in a variety of methods and styles, tailored to
professional audiences.