This book covers
the following topics related to emergency medicine: Fundamental Criteria
for First Aid, Basic Measures for First Aid, First Aid for Specific
Injuries, First Aid for Fractures, First Aid for Climatic Injuries,
First Aid for Bites and Stings, First Aid in a Nuclear, Biological and
Chemical Environment, First Aid for Psychological Reactions.
Author(s): Headquarters, Departments of the Army, The Navy and the Air Force
The target audience
for this on-line manual is the resident trainees at Boston Medical Center. The
goal is to facilitate learning of critical care medicine. Topics covered
includes: Oxygen Delivery Devices, Airways and Mechanical Ventilation,
Cardiopulmonary Critical Care, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and
Ventilator-Associated Lung Injury, Nutrition in the ICU, Compartment Syndromes,
Blood Products in the ICU
This book covers the following topics related to emergency
medicine: History Of Emergency Medicine, General Approach To The
Emergency Patient, Principles And Priorities In Emergency Medicine,
Airway Assessment and Management, Management Of Breathing, Circulation,
Unconscious Patient and Abdominal Trauma.
This note covers the following topics: Classifying Disasters,
Definitions and Terminology, Phases of Disaster Response, External and Internal