is the study of disease by scientific methods. This PDF covers the following
topics related to Pathology : Introduction to Pathology, Cellular Reactions to
Injury, Inflammation, Healing, Hemodynamic Disorders, Genetic Diseases,
Immunopathology, Selected Tropical Diseases, Neoplasia, Metabolic Diseases,
Environmental Diseases.
is the study of disease by scientific methods. This PDF covers the following
topics related to Pathology : Introduction to Pathology, Cellular Reactions to
Injury, Inflammation, Healing, Hemodynamic Disorders, Genetic Diseases,
Immunopathology, Selected Tropical Diseases, Neoplasia, Metabolic Diseases,
Environmental Diseases.
This lecture note provides a comprehensive overview of human
pathology with emphasis on mechanisms of disease and diagnostic medicine. Topics
covered includes: Cellular Mechanisms of Disease, Molecular Pathology, Pathology
of Major Organ Systems, Review of Diagnostic Tools from Traditional Surgical
Pathology to Diagnostic Spectroscopy, Functional and Molecular Imaging,
Molecular Diagnostics.
Author(s): Prof. Gary Tearney and Prof.
Kamran Badizadegan