Programming Languages Application and Interpretation
Programming Languages Application and Interpretation
Programming Languages Application and Interpretation
note covers the following topics: Parsing, Interpretation, Adding Functions to
the Language, From Substitution to Environments, Functions, Mutation: Structures
and Variables, Recursion and Cycles: Procedures and Data, Objects, Memory
Management, Representation Decisions, Desugaring as a Language Feature, Control
Operations, Checking Program Invariants Statically: Types, Checking Program
Invariants Dynamically: Contracts, Alternate Application Semantics.
This PDF covers the following topics related to Programming Languages
Theory : Prelude: The Study of Programming Languages, Functional Programming:
Theory and Practice, Macros, Objects, and Backtracking, Type systems, In Which
We Say Goodbye.
This note covers the following
topics: The Elements of Programming, Theoretical Introduction of Programming
Languages: Syntax, Semantics, Types, Abstraction on Data, Delayed Evaluation on
Data and on Control, Type Correctness, Evaluators for Functional Programming,
Logic Programming, Imperative Programming.
This note explains the
following topics: Transition Systems, Defining a Language, A Functional
Language, Control and Data Flow, Imperative Functional Programming, Cost
Semantics and Parallelism, Data Structures and Abstraction, Lazy Evaluation,
Dynamic Typing, Subtyping and Inheritance, Storage Management.