Programming Languages BooksC Programming Books

The C programming Language by Steve Summit

The C programming Language by Steve Summit

The C programming Language by Steve Summit

C is a relatively small language, but one which wears well. Topics covered includes: Basic Data Types and Operators, Statements and Control Flow, Functions and Program Structure, Basic I/O, Operators, Strings.


s122 Pages
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The Basics of C Programming

The Basics of C Programming

This note explains the following topics: Spacing and indentation, Input and output, Branching and looping, Arrays, Variable Types, Operators, Functions, Structures, Libraries, Makefiles, Pointers, Dynamic Data Structures, Advanced Pointers, Strings, Operator Precedence, Command Line Arguments, Text files, Binary Files.

s122 Pages
C Programming and UNIX

C Programming and UNIX

C probably has been the most influential programming language during the last 25 years. It was originally introduced for the implementation of UNIX, but is now used for a large variety of very different tasks. This note will introduce the C programming language in the context of the UNIX operating system. It will also cover UNIX from a user and a programmer perspective.

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The GNU C Reference Manual

The GNU C Reference Manual

This is a reference manual for the C programming language as implemented by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). Topics covered includes: Lexical Elements, Data Types, Expressions and Operators, Functions, Program Structure and Scope.

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Introduction to C Programming

Introduction to C Programming

This web site contains course notes for an introductory C Programming course, that does not include any features of C++.

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Programming   in C    UNIX System Calls and Subroutines Using C (by A. D. Marshall)

Programming in C UNIX System Calls and Subroutines Using C (by A. D. Marshall)

This note covers the following topics: The Common Desktop Environment, C/C++ Program Compilation, C Basics, Conditionals, Looping and Iteration, Arrays and Strings, Functions, Pointers, Dynamic Memory Allocation and Dynamic Structures, Low Level Operators and Bit Fields, The C Preprocessor, C, UNIX and Standard Libraries, Integer Functions, Random Number, String Conversion, Searching and Sorting, String Handling, File Access and Directory System Calls, Interprocess Communication (IPC), PipesRemote Procedure Calls (RPC) and Writing Larger Programs.

sNA Pages
Phil's C Course

Phil's C Course

This course is intended to help a good programmer particularly someone familiar with DEC Fortran, start programming in C. Topics covered includes: Why is the language called C, Variables, Types and Functions, Loop and Flow Control Constructs, Arrays, Pointers, Strings, Structures and Unions, Typedef, Header Files, Macros and the ? operator, Logical and Relational Operators, Bitwise Operators, Function Prototypes, File IO Routines and Command Line Arguments, Obfuscation, Changing from VAX C or K&R C to ANSI Compliant DEC C.

sNA Pages
C Programming Tutorial

C Programming Tutorial

Currently this section contains no detailed description for the page, will update this page soon.

s Pages
Learning GNU C (C. O'Riordan)

Learning GNU C (C. O'Riordan)

Currently this section contains no detailed description for the page, will update this page soon.

s Pages
Learning GNU C (C. O'Riordan) Mirror

Learning GNU C (C. O'Riordan) Mirror

Currently this section contains no detailed description for the page, will update this page soon.

s Pages
The GNU C Library

The GNU C Library

Currently this section contains no detailed description for the page, will update this page soon.

s Pages