This PDF covers
the following topics related to Nursing : Definition of nursing, History and
development of nursing, Profession and professionalism, Nursing education,
Socialization in nursing, Levels of proficiency, Models of professional
socialization, Organization socialization, International and national nursing
associations, Philosophy of nursing theory, Overview of nursing theory, Health
illness and health care system Introduction to Nursing, Factors affecting health
and illness, Nursing research Methodology, Nursing research methodology.
This book describes
how nursing is a profession within the healthcare sector focused on the care of
individuals, families, and communities so they may attain, maintain, or recover
optimal health and quality of life.
This PDF book covers the following topics related to Obstetric and
Gynecological Nursing : Anatomy of Female, Normal Pregnancy,
Normal Labour, the Normal Puerperium, Abnormal Pregnancy, Abnormal Labour,
Abnormal Puerperium, Induction of Labour, Obstetric Operations, Congenital
Anomalies Of the Female Genital Organs, Infection of the Female Reproductive
This note covers the following
topics related to Nursing :What is Public Health, Nurse’s Role in Public Health,
Legal Matters, Scope and Standards of Care for Public Health Nursing Practice,
Public Health, Practice Interventions and Competencies.
Author(s): The
Massachusetts Association of Public Health Nurses
This PDF covers
the following topics related to Nursing : Definition of nursing, History and
development of nursing, Profession and professionalism, Nursing education,
Socialization in nursing, Levels of proficiency, Models of professional
socialization, Organization socialization, International and national nursing
associations, Philosophy of nursing theory, Overview of nursing theory, Health
illness and health care system Introduction to Nursing, Factors affecting health
and illness, Nursing research Methodology, Nursing research methodology.
note covers the following topics: Professional Nursing Practice, Baccalaureate
Education, Healthcare in the 21st Century, Nursing Philosophy, Professional
Development, Interprofessional Communication, Interprofessional Collaboration,
Leadership in Nursing, Nursing Theory.
book explains the following topics: Variety of Nursing Service Personnel,
Variations in Nursing Service Staff Mix, Meeting Current and Future Needs for
Nurses, The Effects of Education Financing on Generalist Nurse Supply, Education
for Generalist Positions in Nursing, Education for Advanced Positions in
Nursing, Alleviating Nursing Shortages in Medically Underserved Areas and Among
Underserved Populations, Improving the Use of Nursing Resources, Advancing
Research in Nursing and Getting Facts for Manpower Planning.
Author(s): National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S
This book explores how nurses' roles,
responsibilities, and education should change significantly to meet the
increased demand for care that will be created by health care reform and to
advance improvements in America's increasingly complex health system.
Author(s): The National Center for
Biotechnology Information, USA