This PDF covers the
following topics related to Learning PHP, MySQL and JavaScript : Introduction to
Dynamic Web Content, Setting Up a Development Server, Introduction to PHP,
Expressions and Control Flow in PHP, PHP Functions and Objects, PHP Arrays,
Practical PHP, Introduction to MySQL, Mastering MySQL, Accessing MySQL Using PHP,
Form Handling, Cookies, Sessions, and Authentication, Exploring JavaScript,
Expressions and Control Flow in JavaScript, JavaScript Functions, Objects, and
Arrays, JavaScript and PHP Validation and Error Handling, Using Asynchronous
Communication, Introduction to CSS, Advanced CSS with CSS3, Accessing CSS from
JavaScript, Introduction to jQuery, Introduction to jQuery Mobile, Introduction
to HTML5, The HTML5 Canvas, HTML5 Audio and Video, Other HTML5 Features,
Bringing It All Together.
This book provides lots of information on advanced functionality in PHP.
This book assumes no PHP programming skill at all. The topics in this book have
been ordered in such a way as to allow newcomers to progress smoothly and
quickly in their learning without having to worry about taking notes in the
margin or copying thousands of lines of code.