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Numerical Analysis Books

There are many downloadable free Numerical Analysis books, available in our collection of books. Which are available in the form of PDF, Online Textbooks, eBooks and lecture notes. These books cover basics, beginner, and advanced concepts and also those who looking for introduction to the same.

Introduction To Numerical Analysis by MIT

This PDF covers the following topics related to Numerical Analysis : Series and Sequences, Integrals as Sums and Derivatives as Differences, Interpolation, Nonlinear Equations, Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations, Fourier Analysis, Spectral Interpolation, Differentiation, Quadrature.


s NAPages

Lecture Notes on Numerical Analysis by Peter J. Olver

This lecture note explains the following topics: Computer Arithmetic, Numerical Solution of Scalar Equations, Matrix Algebra, Gaussian Elimination, Inner Products and Norms, Eigenvalues and Singular Values, Iterative Methods for Linear Systems, Numerical Computation of Eigenvalues, Numerical Solution of Algebraic Systems, Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations, Numerical Solution of the Heat and Wave Equations, Approximation and Interpolation, The Finite Element Method.


s NAPages

Lecture Notes on Numerical Analysis of Nonlinear Equations

This book covers the following topics: The Implicit Function Theorem, A Predator-Prey Model, The Gelfand-Bratu Problem, Numerical Continuation, Following Folds, Numerical Treatment of Bifurcations, Examples of Bifurcations, Boundary Value Problems, Orthogonal Collocation , Hopf Bifurcation and Periodic Solutions, Computing Periodic Solutions, Periodic Orbit Folds , Stable and Unstable Manifolds.


s 391Pages

Introduction to Numerical Methods

This note explains the following topics: IEEE Arithmetic, Root Finding, Systems of equations, Least-squares approximation, Interpolation, Integration and Ordinary differential equations.


s 63Pages

Numerical Analysis Notes by William G. Faris

This note provides the details about the following topics: Nonlinear equations, Linear Systems, Eigenvalues, Nonlinear systems, Ordinary Differential Equations, Fourier transforms.


s 96Pages

Lecture notes on Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equation

This note explains the following topics: finite difference method for the Laplacian, Linear algebraic solve, Finite element methods for elliptic equation and Time-dependent problem.


s 88Pages