This note describes the following
topics: Binary systems, Boolean algebra, logic gates, analysis or design of
combinatorial circuits, synchronous sequential logic, registers, counters and
memory, laboratory experiments in digital circuits and logic Logic Design,
Contemporary Logic Design, Switches: basic building block of digital computers,
Relay networks, MOS transistors , CMOS network, Combinational logic symbols,
Implementation as a combinational digital system , Combinational Logic, Time
behavior and waveforms, Product-of-sums canonical form, Karnaugh maps, Working
with Combinational Logic, Memory, Finite State Machines, Sequential Logic
Technologies, Case Studies in Sequential Logic Design, Binary Number Systems and
Arithmetic Circuits, Interfacing.
Author(s): Prof.
Soo ik, Chae, Seoul National University
This note explains the following
topics: Data Representation and Number system, Binary Logic, Basic Gate,
Combined gates, Boolean Algebra , Combinational circuit, Designing Combinatorial
Circuits, Sequential circuit, Register, Tri-state logic and Memories.
This note
covers the following topics: Binary Systems, Analog Vs Digital, Digital Systems,
Binary numbers, Number base conversions, Compliments, Octal and Hexadecimal
Numbers, Signed Binary Numbers, nary logic, Boolean Algebra and Gate Level
Minimization, Design of Combinational Circuit, Design of Sequential Circuits,
This note
covers the following topics: Simple logic Circuits and manufacturing technology,
Truth table and symbolic representation, Fundamental properties for Boolean
algebra, Implementing Circuits form Truth table, XOR gate, Demorgan’s Law,
Logical expression, simplification using Fundamental properties, Demorgan ,
Practice, Karnaugh map ( 3 input, 4 input), SOP,POS, practice, Tabulation
method, Numbering systems, Binary numbers, Hexadecimal, real number
This note is
designed to provide knowledge and understanding to sophomores in electrical and
computer engineering of Boolean algebra and digital concepts, with concentration
on the analysis and design of combinational and sequential logic networks.
Furthermore, it provides a foundation for subsequent study in computer
organization, architecture, and VLSI design.