This note covers the following
topics: Geometry of Crystals, Elements of Quantum Mechanics, Solution of
Schrodinger Equation, Energy Bands, Energy Bands in 3D Crystals, Density of
States, Fermi-Dirac Statistics, Charge, field, potential, Donor or Acceptor,
Equilibrium Statistics,Recombination-Generation, SRH formula, Surface
Recombination, PN Junction Diode Electrostatics, I-V Characteristics, I-V
Characteristics, BJT Nonideal effects , BJT Design, MOS-C Electrostatics.
This note covers the following
topics: Geometry of Crystals, Elements of Quantum Mechanics, Solution of
Schrodinger Equation, Energy Bands, Energy Bands in 3D Crystals, Density of
States, Fermi-Dirac Statistics, Charge, field, potential, Donor or Acceptor,
Equilibrium Statistics,Recombination-Generation, SRH formula, Surface
Recombination, PN Junction Diode Electrostatics, I-V Characteristics, I-V
Characteristics, BJT Nonideal effects , BJT Design, MOS-C Electrostatics.
book explains the following topics: Introduction to Power Electronics, Diodes and
Uncontrolled Rectifiers, Thyristors, Ac/dc Converters and Other Naturally
Commutated Circuits, Turn-off Devices and Self Commutated Circuits.
This note covers
the following topics: Negative-Capacitor Landau Transistors, Physics of
Nanoelectromechanical (NEMS) Switches, Sequencing a Genome by a Torrent of Ions,
Geometry of Diffusion and Performance Limits of Nanobiosensors, Computational
Modeling, Device Options and Trade-offs for 5 nm CMOS Technology.