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Chemical Physics Books


Chemical Physics Books

There are many downloadable free Chemical Physics books, available in our collection of books. Which are available in the form of PDF, Online Textbooks, eBooks and lecture notes. These books cover basics, beginner, and advanced concepts and also those who looking for introduction to the same.

Chemical Physics Cornell University

This note covers the following topics: Underscreening in concentrated electrolytes, Automated construction of molecular active spaces from atomic valence orbitals, Ab-initio photoelectron spectroscopy of molecular nitrogen in short laser pulses, Rotational state-selection and alignment of chiral molecules by electrostatic hexapoles, Path integral molecular dynamics with surface hopping for thermal equilibrium sampling of nonadiabatic systems, Stability of non-convex gradient dynamics from the perspective of multiscale non-equilibrium thermodynamics.


s NAPages

Physical Chemistry

This note explains the following topics: Acids and Bases, Atomic Theory, Equilibria, Kinetics, Nuclear Chemistry, Physical Properties of Matter, Quantum Mechanics, Spectroscopy, Statistical Mechanics, Surface Science and Thermodynamics.


s NAPages

Introduction to Chemical Physics

This book has been prepared for the use of the general reader, as well as for that of Students in Academies, Colleges, and Medical Schools, and is designed to embody the most important facts and principles of the Physical Forces, Heat, Light, and Electricity, that have any connection with the production of Chemical phenomena, and to form an introduction to the study of the science of Chemistry.


s 636Pages

Advanced Physical Chemistry

This book covers the following topics: Chemical Thermodynamics, Thermochemistry, Statistical Thermodynamics, Specific Heat of Solids and Gases, NonEquilibrium of Irreversible Thermodynamics , Wave Mechanics, Atomic Spectra, Molecular Spectra Molecular spectroscopy, Colloid Science, Phase Rule, Distribution Law, Ionic Equilibrium Electrolytic Conductance, Electrolytic Transference, Electrochemistry, Physical Properties and Chemical Constitutions, Chemical Equilibrium , Chemical Crystallography and Liquid Crystals, Electric Properties of Molecules and Dipole Moment, Chemical Kinetics, Photochemistry, Catalysis and Kinetics of Heterogeneous Reaction, Surface Chemistry Adsorption, Kinetic Molecular Theory of gases, Liquid State, Solutions and Theory of Dilute Solutions.


s NAPages