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ThermoDynamics Books


ThermoDynamics Books

There are many downloadable free ThermoDynamics books, available in our collection of books. Which are available in the form of PDF, Online Textbooks, eBooks and lecture notes. These books cover basics, beginner, and advanced concepts and also those who looking for introduction to the same.

Lecture Notes Thermodynamics by Iare

Thermodynamics is the science that deals with heat and work and those properties of substance that bear a relation to heat and work. Thermodynamics is the study of the patterns of energy change. Most of this course will be concerned with understanding the patterns of energy change.The contents include: Introduction, Limitations of First Law, Pure Substances and Gas Laws, Gas Mixtures and Psychrometry, Power Cycles.


s 93Pages

Lecture Notes on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics by Oxford

Thermodynamics is the study of how heat moves around in macroscopic objects. The contents of this book include: Basics of Thermodynamics, Introduction, The zeroth law of Thermodynamics, The first law of Thermodynamics, Thermodynamical processes, Carnot engine, The second law of Thermodynamics, Practical Thermodynamics , free energy, Statistical Mechanics of Simple Systems, Paramagnetic solid, Simple harmonic oscillators, Polyatomic ideal gases, Thermodynamics of Radiation, Thermodynamics of Real Gases.


s 130Pages

Lecture Notes On Thermodynamics by Mr. Y. Munirathnam

This note explains the following topics: The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, Temperature Scales,Ideal and Real Gases, Enthalpy and specific heat, Van der Waals Equation of State,TD First Law Analysis to Non-flow Processes, Second Law of Thermodynamics, Ideal Rankine Cycle, Air standard Otto Cycle.


s 135Pages

Lecture Notes on Thermodynamics

This note describes the following topics: Energy transfer, Entropy and second law of thermodynamics, Thermodynamic functions and potentials, Microcanonical statistical mechanics, Canonical statistical mechanics, Phase changes of a pure substance, Binary solutions.


s 96Pages

Lecture notes in Advanced Thermodynamics

This note describes the following topics: The Legendre transform, Euler’s Theorem on Homogeneous Functions, Postulates, Equations of state, State changes at constant composition, Closed control volumes, Dynamic systems, Open control volumes, Gas dynamics, Departure Functions, Simple vapour–liquid equilibrium, Multicomponent Phase Equilibrium, Chemical equilibrium, Simultaneous reactions, Heat engines, Entropy production and available work, Plug flow reacto, Material Stability, Thermofluids, T, s and p, v-Diagrams for Ideal Gas Cycles, SI units and Universal Constants , Newton–Raphson iteration,Direct Substitution, Linear Programming.


s 454Pages

Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics

This note covers the following topics: Thermal Sciences, Dimensions and Units, Thermodynamic Systems, Thermodynamic Properties of Systems, Pressure, Temperature, State and Equilibrium, Thermodynamic Processes, Pure Substances , Calculation of the Stored Energy, Specific Heats: Ideal Gases, Solids and Liquids, First Law of Thermodynamics, Control Volume, Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics, Gibb’s Equation, Reversible Process, The Carnot Cycle, Cylindrical Systems, Transient Heat Conduction, Heisler Charts, Natural Convection, Radiation Heat Transfer.


s 85Pages

Environmental Thermodynamics Lecture Notes

This note covers the following topics: Based on the basic principles of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer, analysis on the refrigeration system and air-conditioning system will be practiced. Topics covered includes: Basic of thermodynamic cycle, Compressor, Heat Exchanger, Expansion devices, Absorbing refrigerating system, Heat pump, coolant, cooling system, App, Cooling load, Design of air conditioning system, Energy and Environment, Air cleaning, Alternative Energy.


s NAPages

Treatise on Thermodynamics

This is an introductory text-book on Thermodynamics for students who have taken elementary courses in Physics and Chemistry, and are familiar with the elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus. Topics covered includes: Fundamental Facts And Definitions, The First Fundamental Principle Of Thermodynamics, The Second Fundamental Principle Of Thermodynamics, Applications To Special States Of Equilibrium.


s 352Pages

Applied Thermodynamics NPTEL

This note covers the following topics: Property relationships for pure substances and Mixtures, Thermodynamic Relations, Ideal Gas Mixtures, Combustion Thermodynamics, Gas Power Cycles, Vapour Power Cycles, Refrigeration Cycles, Reciprocating Compressors, Compressible Flows and Steam Nozzles.


s NAPages

Lecture Notes On Thermodynamics by Joseph M. Powers

The objective of this course note is to survey practical and theoretical problems in classical thermodynamics. Topics covered includes: Thermodynamic system and control volume, Properties and state of a substance, Properties of a pure substance, Work and heat, The first law of thermodynamics, First law analysis for a control volume, The second law of thermodynamics, Entropy, Second law analysis for a control volume, Cycles, Mathematical foundations.


s 383Pages