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ElectroDynamics Books

ElectroDynamics Books

There are many downloadable free ElectroDynamics books, available in our collection of books. Which are available in the form of PDF, Online Textbooks, eBooks and lecture notes. These books cover basics, beginner, and advanced concepts and also those who looking for introduction to the same.

Introduction To Extended Electrodynamics

This PDF covers the following topics related to Introduction To Extended Electrodynamics : Basic Notions and Equations of Classical Electrodynamics, Solutions to Maxwell’s Equations, Amplitude and Phase, Why and What to Change in Classical Electrodynamics, Extended Electrodynamics, Vacuum Equations in EED, General Properties of the Equations and Their Solutions, Nonlinear Solutions. Description of photon-like objects, Interference, Nonlinearity and Superposition, Basic equations, The Frobenius Integrability and Dissipation, Explicit Solutions with Nonzero Currents.


s 134Pages

Observers and Splitting Structures in Relativistic Electrodynamics

This PDF covers the following topics related to Observers and Splitting Structures in Relativistic Electrodynamics : Introduction, Pre-Metric Setting, Fiber bundles: world-lines in space-time,, Principal bundles: introducing time-translation, The fundamental field map: populating the principal bundle, Ehresmann connection: families of space platforms, Parametric fields: mapping fields to the observer’s space, Derivatives in the base manifold: Christoffel form, curvature, and variance, The relativistic splitting structure, Equivalent splitting structures: transitions between fiber charts, Electromagnetism in the pre-metric setting, Main concepts in their component representation, Metric Setting, Regular relativistic splittings, Vacuum constitutive relations and energy-momentum balance, Metric in nonregular splittings, Kinematic parameters of observers, Classification of observers and of splitting structures, Proxies for Lie-(co)algebra valued fields, Applications, Ehrenfest paradox, Schiff’s “Question in General Relativity”.


s 93Pages

Electrodynamics byDaniel F. Styer

This PDF covers the following topics related to Electrodynamics : Electrostatics and Magnetostatics, Vector Calculus, Conservation of Charge and the Maxwell Equations, Energy and Momentum, Electromagnetic Waves, Potentials and Gauges, Resultant Potentials and Fields, Relativistic Electrodynamics, Atmospheric Optics, Pictorializing divergence and curl.


s 105Pages

Classical Electrodynamics by UOA

This PDF course introduces the classical theory of electrodynamics describing the interactions of charged particles among themselves and with electromagnetic fields and covers the following topics related to Classical Electrodynamics : Historical remarks and motivation, Electrostatics, Boundary value problems in electrostatics, Magnetostatics, Time varying fields and Maxwell’s equations, Radiation.


s 82Pages

Electrodynamics by Natalie Holzwarth

This note covers the following topics: Electrostatic energy calculations, Poisson equation and Green's theorm, Green's functions for cartesian coordinates, Method of images, Cylindrical and spherical geometries, Multipole analysis of charge distributions, Dipoles and dielectrics, Magnetostatics, Maxwells equations, Electromagnetic energy and force, Dynamic dielectric media and their effects, Radiation from moving charges and Special Theory of Relativity.


s NAPages

Maxwells Theory of Electrodynamics

This note explains the following topics: Introduction to the Theory of Distributions, Differentiation of Distributions, Integration of Distributions, The Laplace Operator and Green’s Function, Electrostatics, Boundary value problems of electrostatics, Magnetism, Electromagnetic Waves and Harmonic plane waves.


s 100Pages

Electrodynamics by Tsun Hsu Chang

Electrodynamics is the branch of physics which deals with rapidly changing electric and magnetic fields.


s NAPages

Advanced Electrodynamics

This book covers the following topics: Vector Calculus and Field Theories, Maxwell’s Equations and the Lorentz Force, Scalar and Vector Potentials, Solving Maxwell’s Equations: Electromagnetic Waves, Energy and Momentum of Electromagnetic Fields, Radiation Sources and Antennas, Electrodynamics in Macroscopic Media, Surfaces, Wave Guides and Cavities and Relativistic formulation of electrodynamics.


s 86Pages

Lecture notes on Electrodynamics by J.E. Avron

This book covers the following topics: Tensor calculus, Minkowski space-time, The electromagnetic tensor, Variational principle, Maxwell Equations, Conservation laws and the Stress-Energy tensor, Poisson equation, Cloaking, Electromagnetic waves, Radiation and Radiation reaction.


s 169Pages

Classical Electrodynamics Part II

This set of lecture notes is designed to be used to teach graduate students in classical electrodynamics. It covers the following topics in detail: Mathematical Physics, Non Relativistic Electrodynamics and Relativistic Electrodynamics.


s 357Pages