note covers the following topics: The Laws of Algebra, Coordinates,The Cartesian
Coordinate Plane, Graphs of Equations, Three Interesting Curves, Functions,
Function Notation, Linear and Quadratic Functions, Polynomial Functions,
Rational Functions, Function Composition, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions,
Systems of Equations, Sequences and Series, Complex Numbers and the Fundamental
Theorem of Algebra.
This PDF Lectures covers the following topics related to Elementary
Algebra : Foundations, Solving Linear Equations and Inequalities, Math Models,
Graphs, Systems of Linear Equations, Polynomials, Factoring, Rational
Expressions and Equations, Roots and Radicals, Quadratic Equations.
Author(s): Lynn Marecek, Santa Ana College, Maryanne Anthony-smith,
Santa Ana College, Andrea Honeycutt Mathis, Northeast Mississippi Community
The contents include:
Preliminaries About the Integers, Polynomials, and Matrices, Vector Spaces Over
Q, R, and C, Inner-product Spaces, Groups and Group Actions, Theory of a Single
Linear Transformation , Multilinear Algebra, Advanced Group Theory, .
Commutative Rings and Their Modules, Fields and Galois Theory, Modules Over
Noncommutative Rings.
The contents
include: Basic Algebraic Structures, The Integers, Other Examples of Rings,
Quotients and Isomorphisms, Finite Groups, Modules, Galois Theory, Commutative
Algebra, Set Theory.
Author(s): Rui L. Fernandes, University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign, Manuel Ricou, Instituto Superior Tecnico
note covers the following topics: The Laws of Algebra, Coordinates,The Cartesian
Coordinate Plane, Graphs of Equations, Three Interesting Curves, Functions,
Function Notation, Linear and Quadratic Functions, Polynomial Functions,
Rational Functions, Function Composition, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions,
Systems of Equations, Sequences and Series, Complex Numbers and the Fundamental
Theorem of Algebra.
This note describes the
following topics: Functions and Their Graphs, Intercepts, Zeros, and Solutions,
Polynomials and Rational Functions, Systems of Equations and Inequalities,
Matrices and Determinants, Sequences and Probability, Conics and Parametric