Physics BooksKinetic Theory Books

Fundamental Kinetic Processes

Fundamental Kinetic Processes

Fundamental Kinetic Processes

This note will discuss the development of basic kinetic approaches to more complex and contemporary systems. Topics covered includes: Aperitifs, Random Walks/Diffusion, Collisions, Aggregation, Fragmentation, Adsorption Kinetics, Spin Dynamics, Coarsening, Reaction Kinetics, Complex Networks.


sNA Pages
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Elementary kinetic theory of gases

Elementary kinetic theory of gases

This note covers Molecular description of gases, Molecular quantities and macroscopic gas parameters, Gas laws, Collision frequency, Free molecular, transitional, and continuum flow regimes, Transfer of molecular quantities, Transfer equation, Diffusion, viscous drag, and heat conduction.

s88 Pages
Kinetic Theory and Magnetohydrodynamics of Plasmas

Kinetic Theory and Magnetohydrodynamics of Plasmas

The PDF covers the following topics related to Kinetic Theory and Magnetohydrodynamics of Plasmas : Kinetic Description of a Plasma, Equilibrium and Fluctuations, Linear Theory: Plasma Waves, Landau Damping and Kinetic Instablities, Energy, Entropy, Free Energy, Heating, Irreversibility and Phase Mixing, General Kinetic Stability Theory, Nonlinear Theory: Two Pretty Nuggets, Quasilinear Theory, Kinetics of Quasiparticles, Langmuir Turbulence, Stochastic Echo and Phase-Space Turbulence, MHD Equations, MHD in a Straight Magnetic Field, MHD Relaxation, MHD Stability and Instabilities.

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Lecture Notes on Kinetic Theory and Statistical Physics

Lecture Notes on Kinetic Theory and Statistical Physics

These are the notes for lectures on Kinetic Theory and Statistical Physics, being part of the 2nd-year course at Oxford. Topics covered includes: Basic Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory, From Local to Global Equilibrium (Transport Equations) , Kinetic Calculation of Transport Coefficients, Foundations of Statistical Mechanics , Statistical Mechanics of Simple Systems , Open Systems, Quantum Gases, Thermodynamics of Real Gases.

s150 Pages
Kinetic Theory Of Gases

Kinetic Theory Of Gases

This book covers the following topics: Foundations Of The Hypothesis, Pressure Of Gases, Maxwell's Law, Ideal And Actual Gases, Molecular And Atomic Energy, Molecular Free Paths, Viscosity Of Gases, Diffusin Of Gases and Conduction Of Heat.

s530 Pages