Introduction to Quantum Field Theory by Marina von Steinkirch
Introduction to Quantum Field Theory by Marina von Steinkirch
Introduction to Quantum Field Theory by Marina von Steinkirch
This book is divided into two parts. The first part is the old-school
way of learning quantum field theory. The second part is dedicated to
Topological Field Theories. Topics covered includes: Spin Zero, Fields with
Spin, Non-Abelian Field Theories, Quantum Electrodynamics, Electroweak Theory,
Quantum Chromodynamics, Renormalization, Sigma Model, Topological Field
This note describes the following topics: Classical particles and waves, Physical background and wave-particle duality,
Wave mechanics, The Born interpretation, The harmonic oscillator, The
mathematical structure of quantum theory, Statistical aspects of quantum theory,
Angular momentum, The hydrogen atom.
This note covers the following
topics: Free Fields, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, Canonical Quantization of
Free Field, Canonical Quantization of Interacting Fields.
note covers the following topics: Second Quantization and Relativistic Fields,
The Interaction Picture and the S-Matrix, The Trouble with Loops, Cross Sections
and Decay Rates, The Dirac Equation, The Photon Field, Quantum Electrodynamics.