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Computational Chemistry Books

Computational Chemistry Books

There are many downloadable free Computational Chemistry books, available in our collection of books. Which are available in the form of PDF, Online Textbooks, eBooks and lecture notes. These books cover basics, beginner, and advanced concepts and also those who looking for introduction to the same.

Introduction to Computational Chemistry and the working environment

This note explains the following topics: computational chemistry, the working environment, Molecular potential energy, Graphical building of molecular structures.


s 274Pages

Advanced Computational Chemistry Lecture notes

This note describes the following topics: Many-electron wave functions, Exact and approximate wave functions, Molecular integral evaluation, Second quantization, Hartree–Fock theory, Configuration interaction, Description of dynamical correlation, Performance of the electronic-structure models.


s NAPages

Computation, Simulation, and Theory in Chemistry

This note describes the following topics: The Schrodinger equation for N electrons and M nuclei of a molecule, Time Dependent Methods in Spectroscopy, Molecular Dynamics, Quantum-Based Theories of Condensed Matter, Stressed-Out Metals, Modern Electronic Structure Method.


s NAPages

Theoretical and Computational Biophysics

This note covers the following topics: Protein Structure and Dynamics, Statistical Mechanics of Proteins, Steered Molecular Dynamics of Proteins, Simulating Membrane Channels, Quantum Chemistry of Proteins, Parameters for Classical Force Fields, Bioinformatics of Proteins, Simulation of Lipids and Modeling Large Systems.


s NAPages