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Marine Chemistry Books

Marine Chemistry Books

There are many downloadable free Marine Chemistry books, available in our collection of books. Which are available in the form of PDF, Online Textbooks, eBooks and lecture notes. These books cover basics, beginner, and advanced concepts and also those who looking for introduction to the same.

Marine Chemistry Working Groups

This note covers the following topics: Contaminants of emerging concern, Passive sampling, Chemical emissions from Offshore renewables developments, Microplastics, Sediment quality guidelines and assessment criteria, Nutrients and chlorophylls, Ocean acidification, International, national and regional activities with relevance to contaminants in biota.


s 62Pages

Global Intercomparability in a Changing Ocean

This PDF covers the following topics related to Marine Chemistry : Biogeochemical Parameters, Recommendations for Future Work, Workshop Materials, References, Time Series Information.


s 90Pages

Chemical Oceanography by Professor James W. Murray

This note explains the following topics: Ocean Circulation and Current Carbon Cycle, Major Ions of Seawater, Trace Elements in Seawater, Sinks for Anthropogenic Carbon, Controls on the Composition of Seawater, Stable Isotopes, Radioactive Isotopes and Decay ,Gases and Gas Exchange, Tracers for Gas Exchange, Ocean Carbonate Chemistry: Reactions, Ocean Carbonate Chemistry: Ocean Distributions Principles of Mass Balance - Box Models, Primary Production - Nutrient Stoichiometry, Biological Production - Chemical Tracers, Iron Distributions and Controls, Redox Reactions and Respiration and Oxygen, Redox Sequence and Sedimentary Diagenesis , Ocean Nitrogen Cycle; Global Oxygen Cycle.


s NAPages

Chemical Oceanography Lectures Notes

This lecture note explains the following topics: Ocean Circulation and Current Carbon Cycle, Major Ions of Seawater, Trace Elements in Seawater, Controls on the Composition of Seawater, Stable Isotopes, Radioactive Isotopes and Decay, Gases and Gas Exchange, Tracers for Gas Exchange, Ocean Carbonate Chemistry: Reactions, Ocean Carbonate Chemistry: Ocean Distributions, Principles of Mass Balance - Box Models, Primary Production - Nutrient Stoichiometry, Biological Production - Chemical Tracers, Iron Distributions and Controls, Redox Reactions, Respiration and Oxygen


s NAPages

Marine Chemistry Lecture Notes

This lecture note provides an introduction to chemical oceanography. It describes reservoir models and residence time, major ion composition of seawater, inputs to and outputs from the ocean via rivers, the atmosphere, and the sea floor.


s NAPages

Marine Chemistry

This note covers the following topics: Properties of Water and Seawater, Temperature, Salinity, Density, General Ocean Circulation, Major Elements in the Ocean, Trace Elements in the Ocean, Marine Chemical Mass Balance, Life in the Oceans, Chemical Equilibrium, Remineralization, Acid-Base Reactions, Carbonate Chemistry, Seawater Composition Changes, Marine Sediments, Radioactive Tracers, Paleoceanography.


s NAPages