Chemistry BooksElectroChemistry Books

Text book of electrochemistry (PDF 364P)

Text book of electrochemistry (PDF 364P)

Text book of electrochemistry (PDF 364P)

This note covers the following topics: Fundamental Physical and Chemical Conceptions, Older Electrochemical Views, The Laws of Avogadro and van't Hoff, Vapour Pressure of Solutions, Boiling Point and Freezing Point of Solutions, General Conditions of Equilibrium, Velocity of Reaction, Electrolytes, Electrolytic dissociation, Conductivity of Electrolytes, Degree of Dissociation and Dissociation Constant, Conclusions from the Dissociation Theory, Additive Properties of Solutions, Equilibrium between Several Electrolytes, Calculation of Electromotive Forces, Calculation of Electromotive Forces, Oxidation and Reduction Elements, Secondary Elements, Electro-analysis, Development of Heat by the Electric Current.


s364 Pages
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